Who are we
Cake ‘n’ Cup is a mini company that was founded in the 3rd semester by 12 students from
different study courses of the Fontys International Business School in Venlo. The greatest goal
of the Mini project is to converse the taught material into practice.
The group consists of students from three different study courses – International Marketing,
International Business and Management Studies and Food and Flower Management. All the members of the Mini have specific work fields.
The mini company is specifically divided in several departments. These are the General-,Human Resource-, Finance-, Marketing-, Sales-, Production- and Online-Marketing-Management department. All the members of the mini have the same rights
and an equal contribution.
The General Manager is Antje Becker and her assistant is Tim Teeuwen. The General Department is in charge of the meetings. In addition, they are responsible for writing agendas and minutes, overlooking the work of each department,
dividing tasks and estimating the group progress.
The Human Resource Manager is Thomas Lipok who is responsible for the communication in the mini. Besides, it is his task to
mediate whenever a problem occurs. Moreover, he is responsible for organizing the social meetings.
The Marketing Manager is Auste Petraviciute, while Kerstin Panzer is the Marketing Assistant. Their goal is to identify the target market as far as possible by making use of a survey and a questionnaire.
The Financial Manager is Chao Leung, who is being helped by Dominik Kirches, the Financial Assistant. Their responsibilities are providing all the financial details within the mini company. They prepare the financial reports such as a balance sheet and a profit and loss account and besides they also give advice how to optimize the profit.
Bér Kerren is the Sales manager and Nadine Pritzl and Martin Hennis are his assistants. They prepare sales opportunities and ensure that the budget sales are met. In addition, they decide which places are the most attractive ones for selling our product. Danyal Gündüz is the Production Manager. He is in charge with the total production process, besides the purchase of the ingredients and the cups. Moreover, the Finance Department has to cooperate with the production department in order to have the lowest expenses and to
maximize the profit. The E-Manager is Sten Kleinherenbrink who is responsible for the online marketing and managing the website and Facebook page.
We believe that exactly this division of responsibilities will work the most efficient and will
bring high quality results.